Asian region
AMS includes membrane societies from Japan, Korea, China, Taiwan, Australia, Singapore, India, Malaysia
European, Middle East, African region
North, Central, South American region
Aseanian Membrane Society
(Founding member society)
Aseanian Membrane Society (AMS) was founded in 2002 to advance and benefit membrane science and technology in the regions of “Asian” and “Oceanian”. Here at AMS, we are endeavored to and AMS aims to serve membranologists in these regions and to promote and connect with membrane organizations around the world. As shown in our website, AMS is currently composed of 8 member societies.
European Membrane Society
(Founding member society)
Promoting cooperation between European Scientists and Engineers involved in the field of synthetic and artificial membranes and membrane processes.
African Membrane Society
The mission of the African Membrane Society (AMSIC) is to train a critical mass of experts in the field of membrane science, filtration and sustainable energy technologies across Africa. AMSIC further encourages the enrolment of students in the STEM disciplines (science, technology, engineering and mathematics). AMSIC seeks to facilitate and ensure access to clean drinking water, clean ambient air quality and improved human health on the African continent and other regions of the world.
Belgian Membrane Group
The Belgian Membrane Group (BMG) is a close partnership between knowledge centres and industry which focusses om the development of membrane technology. Initiators for this partnership are, VITO and the Membrane Technology Group (MTG) at KU Leuven which emphasize the importance of a mature separation technique like membrane technology for our economy.
Russian Membrane Society
Russian Membrane Society website!
Our mission is highlighting of recent progress and developments of Russian speaking membrane scientists and engineers as well as promoting of membrane separation technologies in Russian Federation and CIS countries. To facilitate our activity and efforts, the Russian Membrane Society is organized as a part of Mendeleev Russian Chemical Society
Dutch Membrane Society
The Dutch Membrane Society (NMG) was founded in 1991 as a continuation of the activities developed during the IOP membrane technology. The aim of the NMG is to act as a sounding board between membrane research, development and application. All developers, producers, system builders and users who are involved in membranes, membrane applications and adjacent areas are welcome at the NMG.
NMG organizes interactive knowledge exchange activities (theme evenings and LOL events (lectures on location) and excursions to membrane companies), brings the membrane community together at networking events (symposia together with network organisations, biennial poster day (in collaboration with BMG & DGMT), stimulates innovation and creativity e.g. by awarding poster prizes and facilitates the search for answers to questions about separation problems and possible solutions and possible subsidy channels.
Mexican Society of Membrane Science and Technology
The SMCYTM is a Mexican Membrane Society with the objective of stimulating scientific and technology research, promote academic and scientific collaboration and contribute to the solution of current problems with the help of membranes and membrane processes.
The DGMT is a professional association aiming to represent and promote the membrane technology and its application in Germany. The purpose of the DGMT is to offer a communication network and cooperation platform for the membrane technology sector.